Piano classes

For children (starting from 6 years old) and adults


In my beginner piano classes, you'll embark on a musical journey learning the basics of piano playing. We'll start with fundamental techniques, including proper hand placement and posture, note recognition, and basic rhythmic understanding.

Through engaging exercises and simplified song progressions, you'll quickly build the skills needed to play simple melodies and popular tunes. My goal is to make learning enjoyable while laying a strong foundation for your musical adventure on the piano.


  1. Introduction to the Keyboard
  2. Basic Finger Exercises
  3. Note Reading Practice
  4. Rhythmic Exercises
  5. Scale Exploration
  6. Chord Basics
  7. Song Playthroughs
  8. Ear Training
  9. Dynamic Expression
  10. Simple Song Composition
  11. Introduction to Music Theory
  12. Listening Sessions
  13. Games and Challenges
  14. Hand Independence Exercises
  15. Performance Etiquette

Why choose a piano?

A piano is a highly versatile instrument, capable of playing a wide range of musical genres, from classical to jazz, pop, and more. Its dynamic range, expressive capabilities, and the ability to play multiple notes simultaneously make it a favorite among musicians and composers.

The piano has a rich history and has been integral to Western classical music for centuries. It has also played a significant role in popular music and continues to be a source of inspiration for musicians and composers worldwide. Learning to play the piano is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor for many, offering opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and musical exploration.

How can these classes help you?

Teaching the piano in a friendly and supportive manner can foster a positive and productive learning environment, making the experience enjoyable and effective for students.

Here are my approaches to teach piano:

  1. A Welcoming Atmosphere

    I start each lesson with a warm and friendly greeting to make students feel comfortable and valued.

    Every meeting you will find a clean and inviting teaching space.

  2. Establish a Personal Connection

    I get to know each student and treat them as individuals. You will be asked about your interests, musical preferences, and goals. I listen actively and empathetically to your concerns and questions.

  3. Patience and Understanding

    I understand that playing the piano can be challenging, and progress may vary among students. I will be patient and offer support during their learning journey.

  4. Set Realistic Expectations

    I encourage students to set achievable goals and celebrate small achievements along the way to boost confidence.

  5. Tailor Lessons to Individual Needs

    I customize my teaching approach to match each student's learning style, peace, and musical interests. I offer a variety of music genres and styles to keep lessons engaging.

  6. Engage with Positive Feedback

    I use positive reinforcement to acknowledge a student's efforts and progress.

    I encourage students to express their feelings about their learning experience and use their feedback to improve my teaching approach.

  7. Keep Lessons Fun and Interactive

    I introduce games, creative activities, and musical challenges to make lessons enjoyable.

    I incorporate technology, such as music apps or interactive software, to enhance engagement.

  8. Foster Independence

    I encourage students to explore and express themselves through improvisation and composition.

    I teach them how to practice effectively and set a routine that suits their lifestyle.

  9. Be Flexible and Adaptable

    I am open to adjusting my teaching methods if a particular approach isn't working for a student.

    I offer guidance and alternative techniques to address challenges and difficulties.

  10. Share Your Passion

    I share my own love for music and the piano. My enthusiasm can be contagious and inspire my students to develop their own passion for playing.

  11. Encourage Group Activities

    If the students want, I also organize recitals, group lessons, or ensemble experiences to foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for students to connect with their peers.

  12. Provide Resources and Support

    I offer practice materials, sheet music, and helpful resources to aid in student development

    I am available for questions and provide support between lessons.

  13. Promote a Growth Mindset

    I emphasize the importance of effort and perseverance in learning and avoid a fixed mindset that focuses solely on talent or natural ability.

Dear student, remember that a friendly and supportive teaching approach can make a significant difference in a student's musical journey. Building a positive teacher-student relationship, fostering a love for music, and helping students feel confident and capable are essential aspects of effective piano instruction.